Float Plan Form/Maritime Declaration of Health

Cruisers Advisory for Passage between Trinidad and Grenada…File a Float Plan
Read the Press Release about the New Convoy Process.
Links to all the forms and Adobe Reader
- Float Plan Form September 2022
- Maritime Declaration of Health sep-2020
- Convoy Request Form aug2020
- Convoy Leader Role Form aug-12-2020
- Convoy Participant Info aug-2020
- Download and install Adobe Reader in order to fill, print and send these online forms.
General guidelines
- Submit your Float Plan (FP) to Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard (TTCG) and cc Jesse James (JJ) on it .
- During your passage maintain contact with TTCG and NPR via VHF CH #16.
- During your passage travel wilh all your Navigation lights ON so that TTCG and see your location.
- If you have Transmitting AIS keep it ON so both TTCG and NPR can monitor you.
- Travel in Convoys..maintain communication and speed with each other and also maintain communication with TTCG and NPR.
- Submit full details of schedule for the Convoy.. dates/times/intended routes/amount of vessels etc to TTCG and NPR and cc Jesse James on this info. JJ will assist in coordinating with TTCG and NPR about Convoy.
- TTCG recommend sail at night and approximately 10 miles East of the Hibiscus Gas Platform. Night passages decreases your chances of visabiliy by others.
- TTCG and NPR recommend to keep radar ON so you can monitor other vessel around you.
- Do not publicize your departure via VHF or on social media.
- Recommended procedure for Emergency or Suspicious activities.. call TTCG via VHF CH #16 or via phone at (+1868)6341476 or SSB 2186 MHz .. if this don’t work contact NPR via VHF CH # 16 or via phone at (+1868)6379023 or via SSB 2182 MHz and let NPR know of your Emergency and they will engage the necessary authorities.
- TTCG can be contacted directly at phone (+1868)6341476 or SSB 2186 MHz – call Sign – 9YA or ttcg.operations@ttdf.mil.tt
- NPR can be contacted directly at phone at (+1868)6379023 / 6330059 / 6374476 or northpostradio9yl@yahoo.com
- Jesse James can be contacted at (+1868)6835202 / 7570139 / 6333486 / 6341658 or jessejamesmembersonly@yahoo.com or ‘Members Only’ Maxi Taxi Service – Home
- YSATT can be contacted at (1868) 634-4938 or info@ysatt.com