Archive – Corona Virus Information (June 23rd 2021 Update)

(Updated Wednesday June 23rd, 2021)
On this page
Current Update on COVID-19 in Trinidad & Tobago
Actions taken by YSATT to Lobby the Government to Safely re-open the Yacht Services Industry of Trinidad and Tobago
May 2020 – YSATT submitted recommendations to the Prime Minister’s Road to Recovery Committee to help our Industry recover from this Pandemic.
May 2020 – YSATT submitted a YSATT-PHSS Proposal to the Chief Medical Officer for a Safe Re-opening of the Yacht Services Industry which was acknowledged. There were some issues for us to address and this was done with many consultation meetings with the Chief Public Health Inspector and his Team. They are the ones who reviews all Proposals before it is signed off by the CMO.
August 6th 2020 – YSATT-PHSS Proposal is finally APPROVED by the CMO for a Safe Re-opening of the Yacht Services Industry of T@T.
August 27th 2020 – A good summary of the current conditions is contained in Jesse’s Webinar Presentation to SSCA on Thursday 27th Aug 2020. The talk can be found on Youtube at

November -Dec 2020 – YSATT AGM was held and a new president and board were elected. Letters written to various Ministers in Government requesting assistance to safely reopen our Industry. Letters were written to the Minister of National Security, Minister of Health, Minister of Trade and Industry and the Minister of Finance. We also wrote to the Prime Minister.
Monday 18th January 2021 – Press release sent out to ALL local newspaper subject “Approximately 2000 jobs and their dependents still awaiting relief.”
Wednesday 3rd February 2021 – Jesse James(Senior YSATT Board Member & PRO) and Peter Peake (President YSATT) interview on Power 102.1 FM a local radio station.
Friday 5th February 2021 – Letter sent to Prime Minister subject “Trinidad and Tobago Yacht Services Sector is on the Brink of Collapse.”
Also sent – a cover letter and all approval letters from the Chief Medical Officer for a Safe reopening of the Yacht Services Association. Letters also sent to the Minister of National Security, Trade and Industry, Health and Finance also sent to various other Associations .. TTSA, AMCHAM, TTCOC, TTMA and TTCA.
Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th Feb 2021 – Press release sent out to All local news papers, subject “What about the Yacht Services Industry”. This was done after other Industries were given permission to reopen.
Wednesday February 10th Feb 2021 – Interview on Morning Edition with TV6 a local TV station, with Mckensie Scipio (YSATT board member and Chaguaramas business owner (Superb Sails & Canvas Works), Carlos Fensom (YSATT board member and owner of Alpha Upholstery & Canvas) and Jesse James ( YSATT PRO and Board Member, Business owner Members Only Maxi Taxi Services)
Thursday February 18th 2021 – Letters sent to Ministers from Ministry of Trade & Industry, Ministry of National Security and Ministry of Health, subject “Trinidad and Tobago Yacht Services Sector – Appeal for meeting re: Protocol for International Yacht Arrivals”
Friday February 19th 2021 – Jesse and Carlos did an interview with Skippy on Power 102FM a local radio station.
Monday 22nd February 2021 – Zoom meeting with Mr. Rajiv Diptee President of the Supermarket’s Association was held with Peter Peake President of YSATT, Jesse James and Sue-Ann, Mr. Diptee stated he will see how he can integrate us in his cause and try and get us a meeting with the Minister of National Security, Mr. Stuart Young.
Tuesday 23rd February 2021 – Jesse James met with TTCSI ( T@T Coaliation for Services Industries) who held a meeting with persons from the Ministry of Finance. Jesse highlighted to them the three main issues facing the industry and they also said they will try and get us an audience with the Minister of National Security, Mr Stuart Young.
Wednesday 24th February 2021 – Mr. Otto Carrington of CNC 3 a local News Station came to Chaguaramas and did a live interview with some of the workers and boat owners and Business owners here in Chaguaramas and also with YSATT Board Members Carlos and Jesses. This was aired on the National news on the evening of the 25thFebruary 2021.
Thursday 25th February 2021 – President of YSATT Mr Peter Peake got a call directly from the Minister of Health. Peter said he confirmed that our matter is now in the hands of the Minister of National Security. A few mins after, Peter also got a phone call from the Minister of Trade and Industry Ms Paula Gopee-Scoon, she suggested to Peter to write a letter proposing a staged approach to allowing yachts to enter.
Wednesday 3rd March 2021 – Letter sent to Minister of Trade and Industry, Ms. Paula Gopee-Scoon subject “Trinidad and Tobago Marine Service Sector-Proposal for staged approach to a Safe reopening of the Yacht Services sector”.
Friday March 12 2021 – A press release was sent out to ALL local newspapers, subject, “Approximately 2000 jobs and their dependents still awaiting relief.
Thursday 18th March 2021 – Interview done with Jesse and Carlos with Mr. Stephan Reis of Synergy TV a local TV Station.
Thursday 18th March 2021 – National Conversations with the Prime Minister and members of Parliament – YSATT sent in a question to the PM as to whether any consideration was being given to the Yacht Services Industry. The question was asked and the Prime Minister said “Yes” consideration was being given to safely reopening of the Yacht Services Industry.
April 28-30th 2021 – All persons working in the Yacht Services Industry successfully completed the Certificate in TRAINING FOR COVID-19 ESSENTIAL HEALTH GUIDELINES FOR THE YACHTING INDUSTRY. See Jesse’s and Sharon Rose’s certifictes here. YSATT collaborated with CARPHA (Caribbean Public Health Agency) on this training. From Business Owners/ General Managers/ Frontline workers/ yard workers/ contractors and all their employees/ EVERYONE working within this Industry and we will all receive a certificate to show we were all trained and certified on proper safe Protocols for a Safe Re-opening.
With all this said and done, we still do not have any firm answers for a safe reopening of the Yacht Services Industry in Trinidad and Tobago. So, cruisers are still not allowed to come as our sea and air Borders remain closed. Presently there is a spike in the number of Covid cases here with the Prime Minister also contracting the virus. He has safely recovered. The vaccines have started to be distributed and this is a positive step for us all.
There are still thousands of Nationals stranded outside and trying to get back home which has started to speed up with more flights opening up. But still not fast enough. All persons wishing to come here must apply to the Minister of National Security for an Exemption and get the approval and documents in hand before attempting to come here. Click here to access the online application system.
YSATT has its homework by doing a Proposal for a Safe Reopening of the Yacht Services Industry here which was submitted in May 2020 and Approval was given in Aug 6th 2020. This Approval was given only after I had many consultations meetings with the Chief Public Health Inspector and his Team who are the ones who reviews all Proposals before the Chief Medical Officer signs of on any Proposal. We have the Approval from the Director of the Maritime Services Division. We also met and have the support from various Government Agencies which includes, Immigration, Customs, Port Health, North Post Radio Station and Coast Guard.
Our lobbying has produced positive results: The appointed government task force has responded positively by asking the TTCSI (Trinidad & Tobago Coalition of Services Industries of which YSATT is a member) to produce documents which support the safe re-opening of the Yacht Service Industry. These documents have been delivered. We do have plans to hold a National Press Conference and other TV interviews very soon and continue to reach out via whatever mediums possible to be heard. We are really trying to get some answers with the up coming hurricane season fast approaching and cruisers need to make plans accordingly to seek a safe port to shelter the season. This cannot continue indefinitely and I do feel strongly that we will get some kind of results sooner than later but just cannot say when. I do understand cruisers having lost faith and trust in our Government as most of the other Caribbean Islands have managed to work out and put systems in place to safely allow cruisers to come to their island with strict protocols to be followed and it have all worked very safe so far. Believe me when I say I am really trying my utmost together with my fellow YSATT comrades and the new vibrant and fearless President and Board Members that replaced the old President and old Board in November 2020.
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Anyone wanting to depart Trinidad or Tobago while our Boarders remain closed
In order to get clearance from both Immigration and Customs to depart, you will need to apply for an exemption from the Ministry of National Security. Click here to access the online application system. You can contact Jesse directly for info on what to do and who to ask for the departure exemption.
* * * * *
Borders remain closed as of now both via air and sea. Nationals have started to be given exemptions to return via Yachts and all Protocols and systems that are presently in place have worked very well so far. This is a good sign. Once YSATT gets the Official go ahead to allow cruisers to come here, the required Protocols as will be required by the Ministry of Health and the Chief Medical Officer will be posted up on here on our website. Links will be sent out to all various social media sites to get linked to this website to get the protocols.
For cruisers currently in Trinidad and Tobago, if you need visa extensions see Visa Extensions Info for Cruisers in Trinidad & Tobago on this page
YSATT continues to lobby the government for facilitation or exemptions for cruisers to enter Trinidad during this current pandemic. We are also lobbying for those who have their boats stored here and need to fly in to get it. We will continue to update you all on this situation. Below are the key points from the PM’s most recent news conference.
News From Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley’s Media Conference on COVID-19
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A brief summary is (TO BE UPDATED upon final approval by Government officials when permission has been granted for cruisers to start returning to Trinidad)
- Only Cruisers whose name is on the list maintained by YSATT will be able to come to Trinidad.
- Cruisers waiting to come to Trinidad will be assigned a group number. They will be invited to come to Trinidad by groups. They will also be provided a set of forms to fill out prior to departure from their anchorage.
- When their group is called, they will be free to depart and travel to Trinidad at their own pace. No arrival time will be assigned.
- Upon reaching Trinidad you will need to make contact with North Post Radio (NPRS) to inform them of their arrival off Trinidad. NPRS will then contact the relevant authorities.
- Arriving yacht will then proceed to the quarantine anchorage and notify TTCG and YSATT of your arrival.
- You will be met by a Boarding Agent and given procedures to follow while quarantined and how to report their health daily. The agent will then take their passports and paperwork to check you into Trinidad. The 2-week quarantine will begin then.
- Toward the end of their two-week quarantine a Ministry of Health Port Health Officer will come to your vessel and review your health status and conduct tests. Once you are given a clean bill of health and receive approval from the relevant authorities you will then be allowed to leave quarantine and proceed to either a marina or to anchor.
- As of June 1st 2021, if you are still interested in coming to Trinidad, please email Bruce Amlicke and cc Jesse James using the email addresses below.
Questions that you may ask:
- What fees will be charged? The usual customs and immigration fees will be charged. All PCR testing fees and any official government fees will be at the cruisers’ expense. If you are arriving by plane, you will be expected to isolate at a government approved hotel for a period of time at your own expense.
- What communications will be available in the quarantine anchorage? It is anticipated that a WIFI repeater will be available. Boats should be in VHF radio range as well as cell phone range.
- We have been in quarantine where we are anchored, do we still need to be quarantined? Unfortunately, yes.
Email: Bruce Amlicke and cc Jesse James
Also, if you have or plan to relocate let us know where you would be in July/August. If you have made firm reservation with any of the yards here in Trinidad, please let them know of your change in plans.
Note: If you are currently in Trinidad and need a visa extension, click here for details described below.
Jesse James
(1-868) 683-5202
“Members Only” Maxi Taxi Service
SSCA Cruising Station Trinidad
OCC Port Officer Trinidad
HLR Cruising Association
British High Commission Chaguaramas
US Embassy CLV Chaguaramas
YSATT Board Member
Bruce B Amlicke, SV Wild Matilda.
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To all Cruisers, YSATT’s comprehensive proposal to the Government was favourably received and the feedback from Government is that the Guidelines developed by the Yacht Services of Trinidad & Tobago to support the safe re-opening of the Yachting Industry is well put together and of a high standard. There were 2 minor changes to be made which were done and resubmitted. YSATT/PHSS was finally approved on August 6, 2020. Whilst Trinidad & Tobago borders are still closed as of now, within Trinidad and Tobago things continue to be re-opened at a much faster pace than first anticipated. Please continue to send your info if you are looking to come to Trinidad & Tobago (see the section on this page titled Register your information / intention to Sail to Trinidad for the upcoming Hurricane season)
Prime Minister the Hon Dr Rowley has announced a further relaxation of the COVID-19 restrictions.
Continue to visit my website to keep updated on the current situation concerning the Corona Virus restrictions and changes in Trinidad & Tobago.
Visa Extensions Info for Cruisers in Trinidad & Tobago
Attention All Cruisers currently in Trinidad & Tobago, if you need a Visa Extension you need to re-submit a request to the email address listed in the Public Notice below ASAP if you have not done so as yet.
Once you send in your email they will give you an appointment date. Upon receipt of your appointment date you will need to go to the Port of Spain Immigration office. Please print the email with your appointment date and take it with you together with all the documents you will need to get an extension, the more you have to show them the better.
So far they seem to be giving the extension from the date your Visa expired which may entail you having to go back for a further extension when it expires again, so please ensure when they give you your extension double check the date before leaving the Officer who gave it to you. If the date given to you is for a very short space of time before it expires again go ahead and kindly ask they what should you do as I know it will be a pain to have to go back in a short space of time. The senior Officer I have been in touch with said they are trying to catch up with everyone not just cruisers and they are currently dealing with thousands of extensions right now. This is just another painful set back due to this Covid 19. We are aware that as of now any extension given with only 3 months will land anyone here in the middle of the hurricane season and you may be concerned about being asked to leave but rest assured we will ensure this does not happen.
Please visit your Marina Office for assistance OR come to the YSATT Office on a Monday – Friday 8am.-12 noon. The YSATT Office is currently operating on reduced hours. OR Call / Whatsapp Jesse James (1-868)683-5202 for any assistance.
Click here to see the pdf of the Public Notice for more details.
When emailing your documentation to the Immigration Office, please cc and
In the body of your email to Immigration please include your Marina’s Office contact phone number, YSATT Office 634-4938 and Jesse James 683-5202 as a LOCAL Point of Contact.
Government info on COVID-19
New Guidelines for Sailing to Trinidad (to be announced)
To be announced!