Our Yachtie Chronicles section is LIVE once again. Visit here.
Yachties who have a knack for writing and chronicling their experiences here in Trinidad & Tobago have shared them here with all of you.
Our Yachtie Chronicles section is LIVE once again. Visit here.
Yachties who have a knack for writing and chronicling their experiences here in Trinidad & Tobago have shared them here with all of you.
Here you will find the letter to the Ministry of Health in Trinidad & Tobago regarding the proposed Guidelines developed by the Yacht Services Association of Trinidad & Tobago to support a safe re-opening of the Yachting Industry.
Carnival Season – Panyard & Mas Camp
List of Carnival Events 2020Click here to see the list of events Members Only Maxi Taxi will be servicing.
Panyards are the practice spots of panmen, this is where you can experience steelpan music in the raw and up close and personal. Considering that most of the players don’t read music but memorize an incredible amount of music from Mozart to Calypsos, to arrangements by local composers, it is quite a feat. The panyard is open to anyone and a visit to one of these is well worth the experience. Read More
Listen to this calypso written specially for Jesse James
and the ‘Members Only’ Maxi Taxi Service.
Album: Calypsos for Cruisers
Calypsonian: The Mighty Yachtie
Music & Lyrics composed and sung by: Sylbert Jackson-Smith
Singer’s website: www.themightyyachtie.com
As an official Seven Seas Cruisers Association Cruising Station Host, Jesse James of ‘Members Only’ Maxi Taxi Service, along with Jack Dausend of Boaters Enterprise, are pleased to Read More
This festival is among one of the most memorable and beautiful festivals celebrated in Trinidad. Divali is the Hindu Festival of Lights. It is observed on the new moon day of the month of Kaartik in the Hindu calendar and is the darkest night of the whole year. The origins of Divali are based on both the harvesting festivals and legends of India. Divali symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance. Read More